Can we operate a SADD group without registering with SADD Saskatchewan?
No. Students Against Drinking and Driving is a legally registered name in Saskatchewan and can not be used without permission. Registering a SADD Chapter is a very easy process and only costs $25.00/year and offers many benefits.
Do we have to register with SADD each year?
Yes. If you would like to receive all our materials and participate in our conferences, etc., you need to be a registered SADD Chapter.Registration packages are sent to all Saskatchewan high schools in June and again in September. Registration forms are also available on this site.
How many interested students are needed to start a SADD Chapter?
Only 1. Although more students who support your chapter would be helpful, there are no minimum requirements for numbers of members. If your chapter is particularly small, perhaps we can partner you with another school and you can work together on some projects. Hopefully, the resources we can provide will help your local chapter grow. Attending Provincial Conferences and other events is also a good way to stay motivated and t meet new SADD friends.
Are 'Red Ribbons' sent to our chapter automatically? How many can we have?
Generally our red ribbons are not sent to chapters automatically. However, if you request them, they can usually be sent by mail the same day or the next day. You are not limited to a certain amount, if they are used for their intended purpose (distribution to drivers or friends and family members of drivers). They are not intended to be used for dance decorations, etc. Our Red Ribbon Campaign is generously sponsored by the SaskTel Pioneers. Therefore, if you use any ribbons, we ask that you send a brief thank you note to the SaskTel Pioneers in appreciation for this important tool.
SaskTel Pioneers / 2121 Saskatchewan Drive / Regina, SK / S4P 3Y2
How does our school request a presentation on "how to start a new Chapter."
PLEASE CONTACT THE SADD SASKATCHEWAN PROVINCIAL OFFICE 757-5562 OR EMAIL sadd@sasktel.net. We will be happy to come to your school and talk about SADD Saskatchewan. You can also see some steps we have outlined here or download these steps here.
Students Against Drinking and Driving is a legally registered name in Saskatchewan and can not be used without permission. Registering a SADD Chapter is a very easy process and only costs $25.00/year and offers many benefits.
If you are looking for more information about our programs, please use the menu to the left or email the provincial office at sadd@sasktel.net