Startung Your Own SADD Chapter

We know that you are a true visionary. You have taken a stand and are taking the lead in dealing with a huge social issue that knows no age, but yet is still the #1 killer among young people in Canada. We know that you believe in what you are doing and care a great deal about the project you are undertaking. We know that you have chosen to participate in your SADD Chapter for all the right reasons and now you need to put in a genuine effort.
SADD Saskatchewan congratulates you and will be here every step of the way to support and assist you. Please give us a call or drop us a line. We love hearing about how things are going with your Chapter (both positive and negative) and we love being able to assist you with your SADD Chapter. We can give you many ideas on how to maintain an effective SADD Chapter. The time for ACTION is NOW!
This section of out website will outline some steps in how you can successfully create a new SADD chapter. Along with this, there is a district representative for all areas of the province that can help you out with questions or direct you to someone who can help you. If you do not know what district you are in, don't worry! You can take a look at the list here and find out which district your school is in. Once you find this out, send an email to and it will be forwarded to your district representative.
You can also find a full list of all the representatives here.
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask us. We would love to hear from you about how this page has helped you out or with any other questions that you may have.
Working with you towards ending impaired driving,
The Executive, Boards, and Staff of Students Against Drinking & Driving (SADD) Saskatchewan, Inc.
The First Steps To Start A SADD Chapter
There are no hard and fast rules for starting and maintaining a SADD Chapter. Part of the beauty of SADD is that it is unique to each and every school and community. Each will present it own challenges and rewards.
We know that you are a true visionary. You have taken a stand and are taking the lead in dealing with a huge social issue that knows no age, but yet is still the #1 killer among young people in Canada. We know that you believe in what you are doing and care a great deal about the project you are undertaking. We know that you have chosen to participate in your SADD Chapter for all the right reasons and now you need to put in a genuine effort.
SADD Saskatchewan congratulates you and will be here every step of the way to support and assist you. Please give us a call or drop us a line. We love hearing about how things are going with your Chapter (both positive and negative) and we love being able to assist you with your SADD Chapter. We can give you many ideas on how to maintain an effective SADD Chapter. The time for ACTION is NOW!
Step 1: Form A Core Group:
Many chapters start with only a handful of members. This core group will get the Chapter going. Don't be discouraged if your core group is small. All great things start small.
Step 2: Recruit an Advisor:
Your SADD Advisor should be an adult over the age of 21. Teachers, administrators, police officers and parents (just to name a few) will all make great SADD Advisors. Try to keep in mind that having an Advisor that is also a teacher or administrator at your school is a great asset. Your SADD Chapter will benefit from having that contact when it comes time for approval for events and conference attendance, etc. They know the policies, etc. and will do their best to support your Chapter. You can also have more than one adult Advisor if it works for your group.
Step 3: Recruit Members:
Use personal contact. Advertise your meetings with posters and on the school intercom system. Make sure you let it be known that SADD is for EVERYONE! You do not have to be a straight A student, a star athlete or particularly articulate. You just have to believe in the cause - that FRIENDS DON'T LET FRIENDS DRINK & DRIVE! Try to set your meetings for the entire semester right away. Make them consistent. (i.e. Every Tuesday at lunch in Room 335). This way students and teachers interested in being involved can work SADD into their schedule and attend meetings on a regular basis.
Step 4: Elect an Executive to Lead Your Chapter:
To function smoothly you need to decide how your SADD Chapter will run. Some SADD Chapters like to elect an Executive team (See Executive duties for more info) and others have 2 Co-Chairs and set up a Board of Directors. Talk to the people involved in setting up your SADD Chapter and come to a consensus on what is best for your group. Work on the strengths of those you have within your Chapter and be creative and flexible.
Step 5: Contact SADD Saskatchewan to Register your SADD Chapter:
SADD Saskatchewan requires that you register so we can recognize your group as an active "SADD Chapter". You will receive resources such as newsletters, conference information, posters and various novelty items. You can acc ess the registration form for the current year here .
Once these things are done it is time to start planning events. It is usually useful to plan for the entire semester or year. Make a calendar and keep in mind when other school and community events are taking place so your functions don't conflict. Buddy up and have your events compliment each other whenever possible. Don't compete with other groups within the school but rather work in conjunction with them to add to the success of the event. The possibilities are endless.
The Structure Of A SADD Chapter
This is only a suggestion of some positions that could be included in a SADD chapter. many chapters combine positions or create other positions. The only positions which should be in every chapter is that of Advisor and Chapter President.
Each chapter must have at least one adult advisor, who acts as a meeting facilitator, or a general go to person if the chapter members have inquiries. Since SADD Saskatchewan is a student-based organization, we believe the students should have the greatest roles. Although the students make up the chapters, success may not be achievable without the assistance of the staff advisors. This means that the advisors are also an integral part to the success of each chapter.
Staff advisors act as facilitators, mentors, as well as leaders. They are in place to guide the chapters and to act as an addition resource of information. The advisors keep the group in focus, and make sure they don’t sway far from the group’s goals. The staff advisor must be someone who the students like, and respect, as this will form a good working relation amongst the group.
The staff advisor must also be dedicated to both the organization, and the students. The students must also be able to see the commitment from their advisors, as the advisors are the ones who set the example. Advisors also have a huge impact on the success of recruitment, and retention. The advisors also act as liaisons between community members and the members of the individual group
Without students, SADD Chapters would not be possible. These students, mainly high school, are from across the province, and are what makes up the base of the organization. There are many different roles for the students to be apart of in their chapters. Most chapters form an Executive consisting of the following positions: President, Vice-President, Activities Coordinator, Treasurer, Secretary, and grade Representatives. Some schools may choose to have these positions, or ones that slightly vary. Other chapters have chosen not to form an executive, so that all members are viewed as equals in their group.
Being on the Chapters Executive does not make a person elite, and that is a point the Advisors should stress. The Executive positions are typically voted on, in election/campaign style. Once again, it is up to the chapter to decide how the Executive is chosen. In conjunction with the Executive positions, are the members of the SADD group. These members are extremely important to the functioning and success of each SADD Chapter. The following gives a breakdown in descriptions for each of the Executive positions:
President: The Presidents key responsibility is to ensure the group is running as effectively and efficiently as possible. He or she also acts as the go-between for the group and the groups Staff Advisor. The President is also responsible for acting as the head at any meetings the SADD Chapter hosts, and is also responsible for making sure the Executive carries out their outlined duties. The President may also act as a spokesperson for their SADD Chapter. He or she is also non-voting member, unless a vote is needed to break a tie.
Vice-President: The Vice-President may be assigned duties such as overseeing the production of the group. He or she also coordinates with the President to assign duties to the varying members of the group. The Vice-President is also responsible for recruiting members to their chapter, as well as marketing their chapter. In the event that the President is not available at an event, or to run a meeting, the Vice-President will step into that position for the time being.
Activities Coordinator: The Activities Coordinator is responsible for planning activities, as well as coming up with these events. This does not mean that the Coordinator should be doing everything. He or she should take input from all members of the group, as well as seeking out assistance in the coordination of events. The AC should be a very motivated person, with the ability to motivate others to help out with the activities. He or she shall also seek out ways to reach a broad audience, and get support from as many people as possible.
Treasurer: The Treasurer is responsible for all funds coming and going in the Chapter. This person should coordinate with either the Staff Advisor, or the schools Business Office to hold an account of all funds. The Treasurer may also be required to produce reports showing all transactions made by the group. He or she is also responsible for paying any outstanding bills for the SADD Chapter.
Secretary: The Secretaries main responsibility is to take minutes at each of the meetings. They may also keep a log of all minutes accumulated over the course of the school year. The Secretary also keeps a log of all the happenings of the SADD Chapter throughout the year.
Grade Representatives: The grade Representatives are responsible for communicating with their grade level. They are also responsible for coordinating events, and holding recruitment activities for their grade.
Provincial Organization:
The Provincial organization of SADD is also structured with various positions. SADD Saskatchewan has a board of directors, representatives, execuitive, as well as a team of volunteers who help in all aspects of the organization. Each person has a specific task or role that he or she looks after. For a complete list of these positions, please take a look at this page.
Recruiting Members
There are many different ways in which a chapter may recruit new members. Two of the easiest ways are through word of mouth, and by getting your own friends to join. Recruiting new members may require a bit of legwork, but the efforts are all worth it. If the SADD Chapter has established members at the beginning of the school year, your group might want to use them when it is time to register for classes, as they can set up a table and recruit members there.
Recruiting does not have to be just at the beginning of the year, and can be continuous throughout the school year. If you show fellow students that SADD is both fun, and has a good message, it is more likely that you will gain new members. Here are a few recruitment ideas or tips:
‣ Set up a table outlining what SADD does
‣ Host a recruitment drive
‣ Have friendly competition between the grades to see who can recruit the most members
‣ Recruit at various events your chapter hosts
‣ Hold a Recruitment Pizza Party
‣ Put up posters and announcements around your school
These are only a few ways to get new people involved in your chapter. For more ideas, try networking with other chapters on our website or Face Book (Click Here).
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If you are looking for more information about SADD Saskatchewan, please email the provincial office at