Prince Albert SADD
This year we are doing a big Christmas blitz around town to raise awareness. Today we went to St. John community school to help them decorate bags that are used when you purchase alcohol. Next week we are attending the "Ding in the New Year" media kick-off. As well as next week we will be in a McDonalds drive through at lunch to hand out Red Ribbons.
Churchbridge SADD
You can find out all about what the chapter did in SADD Signals
Maidstone SADD
You can find out all about what the chapter did in SADD Signals
Norquay SADD
You can find out all about what the chapter did in SADD Signals
North Battleford SADD
You can find out all about what the chapter did in SADD Signals
RID Program Launch - Moose Jaw

Riffel High School - Regina
Monday March 7th
We had a wrecked car out on the front lawn of the school with a sign saying that if you drink and drive, this is what could happen to your car.
Tuesday March 8th
We had Tom Melin come out to the school and talk to all of the students.

We also did a car smash at lunch. For $1 students got 30 seconds to take a whack at the wrecked car.
Wednesday March 9th
Floats! At lunch SADD members sold floats in the commons area for $2 per cup. This was to show that you can have a fun beverage that does not involve alcohol
Thursday March 10th
Impaired Mario Kart! At lunch in the theater SADD was set up with a Wii and the Mario Kart game. 4 students raced at a time. 2 will wore the impaired driving goggles provided by SGI and 2 were unimpaired. It was a very hands-on demonstration of what it is like to drive impaired and why it is better to be sober!
Friday March 11th
Throughout the week, participants in activities were given entries into a draw for a raffle prize. It was 2 movie "baskets," to show that you can have a fun night, without drinking. The draw was made today! SADD members had a Pizza meeting at lunch.
Media Coverage
Global TV
Leader Post Article
Challenges & Choices Program - Moose Jaw
Students Against Drinking and Driving is a legally registered name in Saskatchewan and can not be used without permission. Registering a SADD Chapter is a very easy process and only costs $25.00/year and offers many benefits.
If you are looking for more information about our programs, please use the menu to the left or email the provincial office at sadd@sasktel.net