
Watch the "Invincible" television spot!

News Release

Regina, SK Oct. 1, 2007

Students Against Drinking and Driving (SADD) Saskatchewan unveiled their new "INVINCIBLE" advertising campaign today at a local movie theatre in Regina.

The advertising campaign includes a 30-second TV commercial, billboards across Saskatchewan and posters and postcards distributed to all SADD Chapter schools in the province.

"SADD is one of SGI’s key partners in the fight against drinking and driving, especially with youth," Regina Walsh Acres MLA Sandra Morin said on behalf of the Minister Responsible for SGI Harry Van Mulligen. "SADD’s new advertising campaign will challenge young people to take a closer look at their attitudes toward drinking and driving, as well as the possible tragic consequences. The campaign uses messaging to raise awareness – ultimately reducing injuries and saving lives in our communities."

According to SGI statistics, drivers 24 and under represent 17.9 per cent of all licensed drivers, yet represent 44.2 per cent of all drinking drivers involved in traffic collisions. Each year on average, 515 drivers 24 and under are involved in traffic collisions after they have been drinking.

"The goal of the campaign is to dispel the myth that young people are ‘invincible’ when it comes to drinking and driving collisions," said Brooke Gloeckler, President of SADD Saskatchewan. "We want to show young people that they are not ‘invincible’ and that serious injuries and deaths do occur each year as a result of drinking and driving."

SADD Saskatchewan is a student-led organization that currently has 98 Chapters located in schools throughout the province. Their mandate is to stop drinking and driving through public awareness campaigns and providing educational resources to Chapters and the general public. Their slogan is "Friends don’t let friends drink and drive."
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Tim Spelliscy, Provincial Director
1870 Lorne St
Regina, SK S4P 2L7
Ph: (306) 757-5562
Fax: (306) 757-5569

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