We are a group of like-minded individuals committed to the prevention and elimination of impaired driving! We encourage you to take a look around out site and learn more about us. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch with our provincial office and we would be pleased to assist you in any way we can
We have a clearly defined mission and purpose:
Mission Statement: Student Leaders Dedicated to Stopping Impaired Driving.
Statement Of Purpose
To initiate, organize, encourage, and facilitate activities, events, and general behavior that will prevent impaired driving acts, both directly and indirectly, in the following ways:
- Promoting options to individuals who are impaired so that they will not drive impaired.
- Educating the public about the legal, social, health, and safety risks, associated with impaired driving.
- Influence/initiate legislation and public policy in areas related to impaired driving.
- Providing necessary training and education to volunteers who wish to facilitate the first three purpose.