SADD Saskatchewan
Student Leaders Dedicated To Stopping Impaired Driving

Student Leaders Dedicated To Stopping Impaired Driving
Megan Van De WoestyneVice-President My name is Megan Van De Woestyne and I am a student director on the Students Against Drinking and Driving Provincial Board of Directors. I have been involved in SADD for 5 years and I have loved every minute of it. I became passionate about the movement when I was involved in my first mock collision in grade ten. I saw the damage impaired driving can do first hand and it made me passionate about convincing other students that the consequences of impaired driving are avoidable by simply planning a safe ride home. All throughout high school I worked with my school chapter and I had such a strong connection with the cause I was working towards that I knew I wanted to continue with SADD after graduation. The Board of Directors has given me new opportunities to work for a cause I truly believe in. I know that every step we take towards stopping impaired driving is a step in the right direction. Keep Fighting for the Cause and Always plan a safe ride home!! Megan |
Vice-President (2 positions):