SADD Saskatchewan
Student Leaders Dedicated To Stopping Impaired Driving

Student Leaders Dedicated To Stopping Impaired Driving
Spencer McKnightDistrict # 12 Hey! My name is Spencer McKnight and I have been apart of SADD for about 4 years in my school. I am a member of the LeRoy School SADD chapter; I have been apart of its executive for a couple years, and am one of the Presidents this year. This is my second year on the board of representatives. I wasn’t sure what to expect during the first year, but I can tell you that is a lot of fun. Its nice to know that you are making a difference on a board that does quite a lot of work. I am involved with many groups at my school such as: SADD, yearbook, envirothon, SRC, and the CIA Youth Club. I enjoy many sports such as: hockey, curling, track and field, volleyball, and badminton. I am also a very music oriented person; I listen to music at least 20 hours a day. I like any music other than rap and hip-hop. Hope to see you in the future…Remember: Friends Don’t Let Friends Drink and Drive! |