SADD Saskatchewan
Student Leaders Dedicated To Stopping Impaired Driving

Student Leaders Dedicated To Stopping Impaired Driving
Tyler Parker |
Chellan Langley |
MIchael Fabrik |
Shannon Ell |
Insp. Matt Lowther |
Kimberley CossetteStudent Director Hey Everyone! My name is Kimbeley Cossette(as you can tell by whos profile that your under) and if you cant tell I am currently a Student Director on the Board. I was first introduced to SADD when i moved to Sask. I saw that everyone was deeply pasionate about this one cause and it just felt right. I started SADD at a late age or should i say grade but that really has not stoped me. Pease where ever you go and where life leads you, just remember be safe and that friends dont let friends drink and drive! |